Catalog Number Product

(USD )


Ten Subject Cell Isolation Kit  
(click for instructions
Includes 200 ml dispersing solution, 100 ml cushion, 10 collection tubes each with 15 ml preservative  & mixing beads, 10 filters, 10 mesh bags

SCSR-T Preservation and Transport Medium -200 ml 
click for instructions)
A general purpose preservative and room-temperature transport medium for biological samples,  formulated to maintain the integrity and viability of eukaryotic cells for downstream analysis. Use with SCSR-010 kit for larger sample sizes or multiple aliquot isolations.
SCSR-C Step-gradient Cushion - 100 ml
For 10 additional cell isolations


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SCSR products are sold for Research Use Only.  Users of SCSR kits and reagents are granted a research use license, a copy of which accompanies the products.  If purchasers do not agree to the terms of research license, kits should be returned unopened with original packaging for a full refund.  Diagnostic, therapeutic or commercial use of SCSR products requires a separate license.

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